Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Baby Trevor [Newborn Photographer, Cleveland, OH]

It's been a long time since I've had a real session, so I'll admit I was a little nervous for this one. Also, despite having done a few already, I find newborns a big challenge. In order to keep them warm enough and keep their sensitive skin protected from the sun, you pretty much have to stay indoors, which limits your lighting options. For a natural light photographer, this is a big deal. The day that we had this shoot was overcast, and the windows in the room we were shooting in were in between houses, so they didn't get a lot of light to begin with.

The upsides: this is the first time (other than with my own daughter) that I've had the opportunity to use my reflector, and I found that it really did make a difference. And though I hate to depend too heavily on it, my editing software now is more powerful than what I used to have, and I've used it enough that I'm getting comfortable with it now, which helps, too. Also, baby Trevor slept so well for us, which is something that has been sorely lacking in other newborn sessions I've done. He was just 11 days old, so still mostly pose-able, though we did have an issue with one floppy arm that had a mind of its own.

Here are just a few of my favorites from this session. I'll post more over the next several days. For now, enjoy!

I love baby hair.

My friend Beth made this hat for me -- isn't it the cutest?

Location: Cleveland Heights, OH


Jillian said...

Wow! Very nice!

Mary said...

Cute! Love the back hair one.
